Sunday, October 3, 2010


Wonsuk Ma 说在早期的五旬节宣教主要是因着末世论的紧迫性需要而有的, 若借用神学观点,圣灵的到来被解释为耶稣再来及时的“春雨”祝福。因此,“被呼召为着收割”是可以用在每场的五旬节聚会。根据神学教育,是尽快训练收割者。帐篷的会议和布道之旅是平常事。早期的宣教也带有末世论的紧迫性需要, 而这使他们更加委身服事。

那么, 为何现在的教会已不再提及末世论呢? 是不是耶稣再来的的预言已经被人忘记了? 


  1. im glad to see this mesg. it is true that we dono the timing of jesus return. and i always believe that a revival will come when we are ready for it. it mean that we are ready to accept GOD's calling and ready to a worker to serve in the revival. if not, there is no point for GOD to revive this land. at the time we asking GOD to revive our church or our place, we need to ask ourself izit well prepared for this kind of small or medium or huge revival. and we need to pray to GOD to raise up more and more leaders which is the quality one, the real army of GOD that is able to fight for GOD. GOD can send out his revive to our land anytime, but are we prepared for it through our action, attitude, holiness and so on. this is the point I need to highlight it. im glad that im still rmb the Prophecy of jesus return. hehe. and i will cont to work it out until i seen a revival in our church, our country and until jesus come back.. to God be the glory!


  2. Amen! Glad to know your point of view. God is great and let's work for Him. His day will come soon and just surrender our life to fulfilled the prophecy of Lord Jesus return .

  3. , We need more preaching and teaching about the end-time in our churches today. We are facing lots of temptations nowadays in our world - materialism, success-oriented mentality, prosperity, individualistic mind-set etc. Let's go back to the early church. Acts 1:8 The believers are so on fire for God in evangelism and missions.

  4. yea. But not many people will like to know about end-time message, even preacher nowadays also rarely share about end-time message. Anyway, we have to hold tight to out belief that no matter how, His word will be our compass to direct our path especially in this critical season.

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  6. Yea, personally I think that preaching of apocalypse and the end-of-day were somehow of rare occurance. Perhaps because of the nature of these preachings or teachings were not so welcomed as it causes uneasy feelings in people.

    I believe in teaching in equilirium, meaning that the end-time teaching or preaching has to be able to relate to the people's everyday life. If anyone tells about Jesus' second coming, my point of view is that they must also tell people how we should respond to it, how to live our daily lives in accordance to Jesus' second coming because at the end of the day, we still have to attend school, to work, interact with people untill that very moment. Only by then we could see passionate yet down-to-earth Christians that has the ability to shake the world for God.
