Wednesday, September 22, 2010


这两个宗派原来有他们的历史。  当林牧师分享是, 我突然觉得自己的选择是对的。我是来自福音派,婆婆到我那一代已经第三代了。以前, 我觉得没什么的。但是, 现在的我发觉原来福音派与五旬宗的教义相差那么远。  

那么, 对我而言。各有各千秋。福音派非常注重圣经教导,小孩子从小就需要背诵圣经的经文。牧师的讲道也是一样。所讲的不是主题式的讲道而是释经法。  那么,五旬宗在这一方面比较逊色因为讲道很多时候多是主题式。  信徒对圣经的根基就比较差,他们也可能会非常追求属灵恩赐、发预言等。 

我在想, 如果可以联合福音派和五旬宗成为一个宗派的话。  那么, 情况就会不一样。在21世纪, 你认为有可能吗?  福音派会接受五旬宗的教导吗?  但是, 上帝的心意是要我们成为一个教会, 而不是把祂的家分文别类。


  1. 同意!各教会有各教会的恩赐。现在,我们可以发现到各教会有它特别和特出的恩赐。但到最后,是不是每一个教会都懂得运用这些恩赐。以一个信徒的看法,无论它是主题式还是解经式。目的还是一样,那就是教导信徒们如何活出上帝的话语。这才是最重要的。就算一个人拥有非常多的圣经知识,也不一定代表他很属灵。当然我们也要考虑其它的因素,比如一间教会大多数都是艺术家,那间教会就会使用适当艺术家的教材。历史是死的,知识也是死的。神说这世上无新事,关键在于我们如何接着那些知识和历史来实行在我们的生活里面。


  2. "无论它是主题式还是解经式。目的还是一样,那就是教导信徒们如何活出上帝的话语。"

    我不同意你所讲的。 虽然, 所分享的都是神的话语。 但是, 神的话语是没有错误的,是非常准确的。我如此说是因为主题式的教导很多时候没有根据经文的上下文来解释。那么, 我们会误解了那段经文的意思和原义。 释经法就不一样, 因为根据背景、上下文和体裁来断定那段经文的意思。

    那我不排除你所讲“一个人拥有非常多的圣经知识,也不一定代表他很属灵”。那么, 至少那个人知道神的话语和祂所要表达的意思而不是断章取义。

    “当然我们也要考虑其它的因素,比如一间教会大多数都是艺术家,那间教会就会使用适当艺术家的教材” - 你所讲的这个statement会有点不对。 我拿City Harvest Church 来当例子。 Kong Hee 的太太用歌唱或舞蹈来吸引年青人, 而且歌唱的表达方式太暴露和大胆。 这使到很多的年轻人会跟着她的脚步,去当歌星,原因是要像外传福音。 她用艺术来做教材, 但是错误使用上帝给他的恩赐。 再来, JaesonMa 也是搞艺术, 但是他没有用一些本身的恩赐来表现自己, 导致年轻人堕入不良的影响。

    所有我们所用的教材必须用在正确的途径, 而不是导致上帝的名字受损, 或羞辱。

  3. woo.. thank for the point.. get it!! ya, 2of them are different as u said. but praise GOD our church sometime will use the method to understand the verse as 福音派 did. but we cant avoid the probability of GOD will use others method to let us understand his will, for example, im reading the same verse as u read, but both of us might get the different mesg from GOD, and it might not related to the up verse and down verse. like im get obey and u get faith for the only verse. because the circumstances and our situation is different and GOD's plan on us might be different also. yes, it true like u say the verse have its real meaning. but some time GOD would bless us through another way round just like 五旬宗 did. and if there really abt GOD will want to fall upon his spirit to his church. y 福音派 cannot accept it?? izit possible for GOD to raise up someone to share the vision abt holy spirit to 福音派? if GOD will is there, then 福音派 should be ready to accept the holy spirit fall upon them as 五旬宗.

  4. actually the evangelical believed in Holy Spirit and just they don't really accept the fact that we have holy laugh, slain and the healing only. They understand that in the bible, holy spirit play a very important role. Different denomination got their own stand.

    Like what you said, if we at the same time read a verse and God will lead us and reveal us a different meaning. That is I agreed with, but using expository method will get the actual meaning of the bible by who was written the scripture. We are in the present time and the ancient people mindset and the way how they tried to tell us about the incident in the bible was different too. So, we must know the background, the context and the actual meaning from the author, then we only start to think the relationship between the scripture which is God trying to tell us. It was not easy to know the actual meaning as you need to read more, analyze more, then will become more expert in it.

    No matter how, we all are instrument of God and being used by Him to preach the gospel, so the real meaning of the context is the first priority for us before we share.
